Saturday, 2 May 2009

虎斑蜻蛉 (Epitheca marginata Selys)  産卵 (Spawning)

時間は五分ほ どでしょうか。

When I arrived at the mountain pond, a female of Torafu tonbo (Epitheca marginata Selys) perched on a tree before eyes and began laying eggs. 
It was approximately 5 minutes in that time. 
She flew away and sank a tail once afterwards on the surface of the water.


spookydragonfly said...

Fantastic capture...I absolutely enjoyed this series!

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...

Good morning.
Because there were Torafu tonbo (Epitheca marginata Selys), a design same as a tiger, it was named. Japanese Tora (虎) is an English tiger.
Thank you very much for your comment.