Wednesday, 31 December 2008

謹賀新年。 A Happy New Year.


spookydragonfly said...

Very Creative! I like this "card"...Happy New Year to you and yours!

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...


A Happy New Year.
I pray for your health and happiness.

spookydragonfly said...

Thank you...I will say prayers for you, too. How are you doing? Is your injury improving any?

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...


Good morning.
I have you worry and thank you.
My injury goes to the recovery slowly. I take treatment in cerebral nerve surgery and orthopedics now. The treatment of the ophthalmology begins from tomorrow, too.
I want to get well by the spring when the dragonflies appear.
It is the greatest joy to have a look at your blog. I was impressed by a beautiful photograph.

spookydragonfly said...

Good Morning(or evening?) Pseudothemis...I am sorry to hear that you need more serious medical attention, but it is best to not wait. I wish you best of luck in your treaments. I suffer from neck and spinal issues for almost two years, I am putting off going to further specialists. I just deal with the pain.

I clicked onto your You Tube and saw you had many videos...and other videos from many others there. Confusing to me...I did not try to view the videos, it would take too long for me. You have changed your profile photo!

Take care..I wish you well.

合田學 (上坂眞信)  said...


When the person knew a pain by oneself, the person understands the pain of the friend. Because I was healthy till now, I did not notice such a thing. I show respect for your gentleness heartily. I pray for your pain being relieved. I go for treatment to ophthalmology and cerebral nerve surgery. When I wrote it down to here, I felt poor some physical condition. I cancel the ophthalmology.